Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I need to shop.
I shall go shopping.
I shall go shopping on Tuesday.
I shall shop on Tuesday till I drop.
I shall shop for clotes, I shall shop for Christmas presents, I shall shop for no reason at all.
Hahahahah. Oh Jam dinding di office aku, cepat lah pukul lima.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Say, its payday...
People seem to work for money and nothing else. I have still not come across anyone in my workplace who actually like what they do. It just seems. Purposeless.
And when they've felt like that ever since they started working, the lack of purpose becomes resignation.
Resignation to a mediocre life.
I'd rather fail at trying to do something I like than succeeding at something that leave me empty at the end of the day.
Makes a whole world of difference.
And makes the whole world different.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
And now I cannot stop looking at the IKEA catalouge. It's driving me nuts.
IKEA gift cards for Christmas are welcome.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Days are moving pretty fast. Resignation has been tendered in. And I seem to have lost the ability to fully process my thoughts. These days find me falling short of pretty much everything. I’ve known for a long time now that I don’t know everything. Admitting this is not difficult. It’s the learning and navigating through the ‘don’t knows’ that’s difficult.
We seem to be a generation that has lost the ability to admit our wrongs. We point fingers when things go wrong. We toot at the mistakes people make and criticize those who don’t live up to our seemingly excellent standard.
Most of the time we refuse to learn, pushing tasks we need done to others, while we lose our tempers and give killer stares to those who can’t fulfill our requests.
We have lost the capacity of being meek.
Maybe we’ve lost this capacity because being meek in this dog eat dog world will probably cause us to become dog meat. Maybe we’ve lost it because we’ve never in our life seen someone being meek.
We have been taught to be forceful if we want our way. Force your way into that car lane, they sure won’t let you in if you don’t. Who cares how she’ll feel, as long as she buys what I’m selling. It’s her fault if she doesn’t know how to say no. Strong people get what they want.
You can only succeed if you play the game. Wanna get to the top? Step on some toes girl, who cares who those stilettos of yours injure. Forget being nice. Nice guys finish last, remember?
Meekness equals weakness.
Contrary to be meek and weep, the word of God says “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth”.
Being meek is a sign of strength. Being meek means turning the other cheek when we are wronged. No, it doesn’t mean we let bad people carry on with wrong doings. It just means knowing when to keep quiet and when to speak up. It means caring about how people feel. It means loving those who are bent on hurting you. It means loving the unlovable.
It doesn’t mean we let others step all over us. Being meek doesn’t mean we sit at the back and slide down the chair because we don’t feel good enough. Being meek is not being inferior.
It is knowing that my God is Big. It is knowing we are where we are because of Him. It is knowing we are His children because of what He has done. Being meek is the realization that without Him we are nothing, but with Him, all things are possible.
Inherit the earth? Surrender first.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I counted the number of days left till D-Day - 99 days left to a whole new chapter. I am amazed at how time flies, and with camp and Christmas in December, it barely leaves us 2 months to get all the wedding preparations ready (Scream!!!). More importantly though, I find myself thinking bout some of the things I need and can learn in three monhts. Already I've learnt so much in the past three months. I've learnt more about myself, I've learnt more about Matt. Heh. More and more to learn each day.
Still, I guess the best teacher is the one above. And I try, strive daily to be the wife from Proverbs 31. And fall short of it. Hahahah. Nevermind...I'll get better each day :D
With so many things to do and work taking up 12 hours of my day, seems like the days really just go by like whirlwind. Or maybe whirlpool, sucking everything to the depths (hahahh so dark!) I'm getting more and more excited bout the wedding, I'm learning to appreciate each day as it is.
Hmmm..... What's today going to bring I wonder?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fat Sam
Psalm 91:14
Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknoledges my name
Monday, September 07, 2009
Dress - Check
Shoes - Check
Hair & Make up - Check
Bridesmaid dresses - Check
Wedding favors - Half check
Guest list - Check
Invitations - Half check
Reception people - Check
The Groom - Check, check, check hahahahahha
I am working on a public holiday.
I am freezing in the office.
I am blogging during lunch hour.
Maybe I shall feign a heart attack and get to go home early. Hmm. Sounds like quite a good idea, except that I'm not a very believable actress.
I need choclate. Choclate ice cream, choclate cake, chocolate chocolate chocolate.
Chocolate Bear.
Choki Choki.
Told my senior wanna stop work end of the year. Said he also wanna stop work. Hahaha. Work here blood pressure become zero. Coz all the veins also burst. Very good. No more people in HR. No human resource in the Human Resource Department. How ironic.
Insanity. Shop Shop Chicken Chop. Pork Chop. Lamb Chop. Karate Chop.
Artline Ink Refills are really smelly. So are Smelly taufu.
I need sleep. Alot. Alot. ALOT. Maybe take MC tomorrow.
Life will never be a box of chocolates. Coz I'll eat up all the chocolates. Hahahahha.
Chocolate chocolate. Hmmm Hersheyssss.
Shoes i need shoes.
My goodness, I shall never again type out the things that go through my hear. I sound like a madwoman. Maybe being madwoman not so bad. Can have mad hair without feeling the mad plunge in self esteem.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The proposal
Officially engaged, the moments of yesterday are still so dear to me, and I'll hold it close and treasure it for the years to come. Precious moments like these make life worthwhile.
So yesterday, after being told by my sister that there was a surprise for Matthew and I, I willingly climbed into the car with three noisy boys who took me to some mamak stall. Haha. And i was thinking what the heckkkkk.. make me dress nicely then bring me go mamak then I'll have that awful mamak shop smell. Anyway.. after half hour, they finally decided to leave and got their butts back to the car.
Then in the car, a request for me to put on a blindfold was met with a NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. After lots of coxing from the future bestman, the blindfold was finally put on, and I had a good time making noise and whacking the people in the car. And I super tried to wind down the window and yell for help. I remember somehow thinking about wanting to eat Sugus for some reason.
Upon arriving the walked me into the elevator and up, up, up we went. Till the 17th floor where Matt BLUFF me lo. Said that he was also blindfolded. Ish. Then was taken into the sky lounge - and I still had NO IDEA what was going to happen! Kau Blur la. the whole of Ipoh, KL and Adelaide also know, but I dunno - and took off the blindfold. I saw all the family and friends we love there, and my trusted brain decided not to work, and STILL the thought of proposal DIDN'T enter my head.
Then there was the big box tied up with ribbons which he asked me to cut. And purple and white helium balloons floated up with the card saying "Mindy will you mary me?" (the balloons didn't really float up.. but i was too overwhelmed to notice.. hehe) And I said "Of course I'll marry you". And then he went on his knees and proposed and put the ring on my finger. On the wrong hand... but my brain was too overwhelemed to process anything so I didn't notice either.
And I melted, felt i couldn't stand so I buried my face into his shoulder...... And melted. And I think he melted a bit too. Hahaha.
The moments mean much more to me then merely this, and after a day, it's still something that I'm unable to put into words adequate enough to describe how I feel. Need more time to process. Brain is melted from all the excitement and loveeeeeeee...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I crave for apple pie
I am blogging at this hour because I am at home feeling rather woozy. I can feel the world spinning and colors meshing together when I stand. Like how it is when the movies show the effects of people eating magic brownies.
Whoever said wedding planning is fun is out of their minds. After practically visiting EVERY SINGLE WEDDING SHOP in Ipoh, and almost (almost only okayyy) bursting into tears, we finally found the right dress. What a relief. Heh. Too bad no pictures la, so not gonna show what its like till THE DAY lo...
Then... at work... my many weird people come and look for jobs. And because my boss doesn't wanna waste his time talking to them coz they probably won't show up for work the next day, he very graciously sends the new girl to talk to these people, some of which who smell like they haven't showered for 10 days.
There was the rather cookoo lady who came back three times after we sent her away.
There was the Bangladeshi who couldn't stop asking bout the pay after being told 27 times.
There was the boy whose aunty filled in the job application form and answered every question I asked the boy.
There was the lady who just sat there and complained that her other boss was 'tidak adil'.
Then there are those who look like druggies and can't stop shaking.
And then there was this guy who was sniffing and wiping his nose with his hands every 15 seconds which was okay, except that he was using my pen, and at the end of the interview he took my hand and shook it. EErgh... Went back to the office and gave my hands a really good wash with lots of soap. Should have soaked my pen in detol as well. Hmmm.
Still, in the midst of it all, when waiting for one of the particulary smelly guys to fill his application form, I wondered how Jesus loved all these people when He was here on earth. How He didn't send anyone away, but embraced each person with love and compassion.
And the quiet answer was this... They're not any different from you. The way they smell, the way they speak, their lack of education doesn't make them different. You were once like them. Yes, you may have been born into a better family, you may not have lacked food or clothing. But that doesn't make you different. You were once just like them. A sinner. The only thing that sets you apart from them now is you have Me. You have found grace and mercy. You have Me living in you, and because of this, you are set free. So how can you not love them, knowing that I loved you when you were as they are?
First major lesson at the workplace.
Loving God means loving people.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Anyway, since I'm up and wide awake, RAWRRRRRRR! hahah.
Wake up all you sleepy heads.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Anthem
The song was Negaraku. The national anthem of Malaysia.
It's an anthem that brings back memories of primary and secondary school, where we would have to be in our lines standing still, singing the national anthem. It's a song that makes me think of my country. It's a song that speaks volumes about how my country was, and is now.
And I realise, despite what is happening in Malaysia, it is still my country. No matter what goes on in the political scene, Malaysia will always be my home. And no matter how *ahem* stupid *cough* the government may be, Malaysia, and Ipoh, particularly, will always be dear to me.
Having said that, it's sad to see how amazingly insane things have been with Malaysian politics and well... everything else that goes on here. And I find it so incredibly dumb that we're fighting and bickering over such silly things. Have we forgotten how we gained independence? How blood was shed so that all races could live together?
Negaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku.
Perhaps it's time we remembered how this country was formed, how independence was gained. Perhaps it's time to be thankful of how lucky we are, even though some things may be unfair.
Rakyat hidup, bersatu and maju.
Perhaps it's time we stood to make a change instead of just complaining about how bad things are.
Perhaps it's time to consider the difference each one of us can make instead of jumping ship to another continent.
Malaysia. My country.
Malaysia. Negaraku.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
The Brink
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Holding on with the very tip of my fingers
It's been a tough week since coming back from Cambodia (hence the lack of pictures of the trip). It amazing how a sudden turn of events can turn my insides upside down. It's unfair that it's happening. I didn't wait this long for this to happen. No Way Jose. Then again, life happens right?
Sometimes we can keep so many things inside us that when we want to speak bout it we don't even know where to start anymore. It festers and grows and eats us up but because there's just no one to talk to it remains where it is. And we just learn how to live with it.
We get so used to it that when we try to open up we can't.
Because just whispering it out to the winds might change everything we've ever known. Because saying it out loud means that we're not as strong as we think we are.
Because letting it out means admitting that we're a broken people. Because it will mean that we'll have to deal with it.
Still, in the midst of it all, letting it out means dealing with it. And dealing with it means breaking free and moving on. Moving on to the plans that God has for our lives. Moving on the greater calling of God.
And that's what I'm going to do. Move on to what He has called me to do.
I surrender all.
Broken hearts
Broken dreams
Unfulfilled desires
Shredded hopes
Nothing else to do but surrender
Because I know that you care
You laid down your life, mine, it's yours
Tell me what to do
I'll wait for you to speak to me
I'll wait
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I wonder if I'm willing to sacrifice my life for the kingdom of God. We always say we do, but when the time comes, the within struggles.
Still, eyes upwards, on my Savior. Focus. Focus.
Hahahaha. So cryptic. This one blog only..... try getting your hands on my journal. It'll be a million times juicier.
Cambodia pictures on facebook
Friday, May 29, 2009
Cambodia was an eye opener.
Thank you all for your prayers. The trip wouldn't have been the way it was without your support.
Pictures and longer post later aite, have to get all the swirling thoughts down on paper first.
Documentary on Cambodia and the mission trip out soon...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Here we go
We'll be back in a week with lots of stories to tell.
I"m going to eat all the spiders I can find. Then maybe my childhood dream of becoming spidergirl will come true.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Oh to be Vulcan, to be ruled by logic, to be in the place where emotions do not play.
Yet emotions matter, for we were made to know joy, wired to love and to be loved.
Sorrow, sadness. Emotions paired with assumptions, emotions caused by assumptions.
Emotions, not with assumptions, but entwined with truth.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Red means stop
Reminds me how sometimes we don't listen to our heavenly Father when He tells us to stop or slow down because of something ahead. Because we think we know better. Reckon we'd just better stop and do it otherwise we just might have a head on collision with on coming traffic.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Mother's day and we sang this little song during service and I totally forgot all the lyrics. Hahahahah. *shy* so just move my mouth and pretended to sing, but then i didn't know the words to lip-sync to. So it was quite bad. Hahaha never mind.
Then they had the kids from Kids Church to give presents to the mummies who were standing, and I was so sitting down when this kid came to me and thrust the present into my hands. Man... I'd better start preparing to be a mummy.
Then I had to go cover this prize giving ceremony which I thought was going to be absolutely boring (which it was) expect for the part where they honored the most examplary mom. Didn't get her name but when they read out her achivements, it was Wowww... Widowed in her early 30s with five kids, she raised them all on her own, earning RM 200 per month as a rubber tapper. The hardship she went through and the courage she had was amazing.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
It's a balck black day
In the assembly...
Siv: I'm in my chair and I'm not moving.
Gan: It's myyyy chair!
Siv: It's mineee
Gan: No it's not.
Siv: Yes it is
Gan: Gimme gimme gimme. Grrrrr
In kindy...
Kid 1: It's my toy and I'm not sharing with you.
Kid 2: It's myyy toy.
Kid 1: No it's not.
Kid 2: Yes it is.
Kid 1: I tell my daddy then you know.
Kid 2: My daddy can beat your daddy up.
Kid 1: Myyy daddy is bigger than your daddy.
Kid 2: It's my toy.. Gimme gimme gimme.
Heh. A black black day.... Tomorrow wear black underwear also la. And maybe I'll paint Samson black as well.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
With reference to your video posted on, I wish to inform you that we (BehBeh and I) are saddened by this unexpected turn of events. While our hearts ache for the return of our dear friend, we have never, and WILL NEVER GIVE IN TO TERRORISTS!
We know that bear nappers are generally made up of people who are lonely and in need of some tender loving care (hence the reason they bearnapp teddies). Your request for ransom in the form of extra chocolate chip cookies show that you are so desperate for love and company that you try to fill the gaping hole in your heart with food. Pay heed to us as we tell you that this will never work.
Your request for ransom in the form of extra chocolate chip cookies is thus, might I say, rather ridiculous, though understandble. We suggest you seek conselling from a professional psychotherapist to discover the traumas in your life that made you into a bearnapper.
It is in our hearts to forgive you of the terrible act that you have committed. We understand the loneliness in your life and are aware that you only became part of the despicable beanapping ring because of this. Hence, we we urge you to return YiFah and go seek some professional help.
In the meantime, please make sure that YiFah get a bedtime kiss before he goes to bed. Oh and he usually feels cold in the middle of the night, so cover him with a quilt.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
YiFah has been bear-napped twice in the last week. Not very sure where he is right now. Waiting for the bear-nappers to send me a ransom note. Me thinks the bearnappers are not very smart...
On behalf of YiFah's twin, BehBeh, (who's very very sad and lonely), I'm appealing to the bear-nappers to please return YiFah with his arms and legs intact. Also, Mr. Bear Napper who lives on the street behind my street, if you don't return YiFah to his rightful owner, I am gonna tell your nosy neighbour some of your juicy secrets... Muahahahaha... :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Funeral for the fat feathered friend?
But we're not very sure whether this wing flapping, jump at you when you're hanging laundry in the backyard bird has gone to duckie paradise or not. Coz someone doesn't wanna go out and check if he can still move.
How now? The fat feathered friend. He was the King of the Ashok Macho Backyard.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Standing Firm
Miss California Carrie Prejean is disappointed she didn't win the Miss USA pageant after her answer to question on gay marriage from blogger Perez Hilton sparked controversy, but says she's proud she stayed true to her beliefs and wouldn't change the response – even though she believes it cost her the crown.
Prejean, who was first runner up, appeared Tuesday morning on NBC's "Today" show and when host Matt Lauer asked if she'd alter her answer if given a "do-over," she said no.
"I did not want to offend anybody, but I think with that question specifically, it's not about being politically correct, for me it was being biblically correct," she told Lauer.
During Sunday night's competition, Hilton asked Prejean if she felt all states should move toward allowing same-sex marriage - to mirror the efforts of states like Vermont and California.
She said, "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other ... same sex marriage or opposite marriage," then added, "I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... that's how I was raised."
Hilton later ranted about Prejean on his celebrity blog and called her some nasty names.
Hilton went on CNN's Larry King Live Monday night while Prejean spoke about the incident the same night to Fox News - fielding questions on whether she thought her answer cost her the crown.
"Out of all the topics I studied up on, I dreaded that one. I prayed I would not be asked about gay marriage. If I had any other question, I know I would have won," she said in the Fox News interview.
Hilton told King he hadn't bashed Prejean for her beliefs, but felt a candidate for Miss USA should offer more inclusive answers.
Hilton has extended Prejean an invitation to discuss the matter over coffee, but she has not accepted.
Prejean appeared at peace with the outcome Monday in her chat with Lauer - again referencing her faith and saying she was proud of herself for advancing so far in the competition.
And as for her close brush with taking the crown?
"It wasn't what God wanted for my life that night," she told Lauer.
I guess it's pretty easy to compromise. Sometimes it's just so much easier to give in to someone or something than to stand for what is right. Especially when nobody agrees with you and you get slammed for 'not being open-minded' or being 'old-fashioned'.
So what Carrie Prejean did, That's just pure standing firm in what she knows is right, despite having to risk (and lose) the coveted Miss Universe title. I love her for it!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Font conference
Still, it was really really refreshing just to be there. Praising and worshipping God in a different language brought a whole new meaning to the words being sung. Everything was just new and refreshing. Suffice to say, it was something that I really needed.
Then... there was this really funny article on the comic sans font. Apparently, there's this campaign to kill the Comic Sans Font. Hahahahahaha. Go here for more. The font's been used on pretty much on everything, from Disney ads, gravestones and bowel cancer posters.
Anyway, the article reminded me of this clip i watched eons ago. If the computer fonts we used had real personalities, this would be pretty much what would happen....
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Doggie Tales
Sleeping habits aside, the not very doggish dog eats his meals only if it's had fed to him. At times he scampers to the safety of the space underneath the couch when he hears the microwave's 'ting'. And thus has to be cajoled out with one of his yummy snack sticks. Not that I've tasted the sticks, but Sam seems to love 'em. He loves them so much that a number of times he's been caught hiding them so that that we humans would think that he'd finished eating 'em and give him more. Needless to say the humans were being quite regularly duped till we got wise to his tricks.
Then there's the walkies that he goes for around the neighborhood. He's smart enough to place his paws at the precise place and wriggle his bum to escape from his leash. Then there's the time when he decided to poop right in the middle of the road. He only got to do half his poop though coz a car came and we wouldn't wanna let the whole neighborhood know that we allow our pet to plant his little bombs right in the middle of the road where car tyres will definately pass. And just a few days ago Samson, who left for walkies with his human brother came home not on his feet but in the human brother's arms. Because he decided that he didn't want to walk, because he parked himself under the shady tree, and because he just didn't want to move. So he was carried home. Talk about spoilt dogs. Then again, he may just not be a dog...
Oh, and did I mention that not only does he have his friendster profile but also has a fan club on facebook? Much like his owners, he's definately a popular thing. Though we wouldn't really refer to his owners as 'things'.
Samson's not a dog. Quite human, but unfortunately (or fortunately?) hasn't been able to speak, go potty at the toilet bowl, and chocolate harms his little heart.... so not human. Maybe he's an aliennnnn. Hohohoho.
Oh and he's living up to his name - Samson Oon Fui Keow (Fui Keow = fat dog). In English it'd be Samson Oon Fat Dog.
So watcha think? The poll's by the side. Have a go...
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Something out of the Ordinary - A blog post
Anyhow... was just pondering on the title of this blog. Holding on to His promises. So many things have happened since I changed the title of this blog from 'My Not-So-Soapy Soap Opera' to 'Holding on to His Promises'. I reckon I'm still holding on to what the word of God promises, and that hope in not just believing but knowing that His promises will hold true brings the desire to live, to see what has not yet happen come to pass.
It is quite well, amusing to see how God tells us throughout His word that He WILL keep His promises. Like in Hebrews 10:23 it says that 'He who promises is faithful'. I suppose He knows that it'll be difficult at times, especially during moments when we hang on by our fingertips. At this point I'm thinking of the advantage of strong strong fingers. But yes, God actually promises to keep His promise. And I'm thankful for that :)
nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.
Does He speak and then not act?
Does He promise and not fulfill?
Numbers 23:19
~Holding on to His promises always~
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yo Yo Yooo
From December to January,
Go see the blogs of Infuse and Tiffany,
There sure got the most unflattering pictures of me.
The revival of this blog will occur soon (hopefully la)
Oh yes. In the meantime...