Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Mr. Bear Nappers,

With reference to your video posted on, I wish to inform you that we (BehBeh and I) are saddened by this unexpected turn of events. While our hearts ache for the return of our dear friend, we have never, and WILL NEVER GIVE IN TO TERRORISTS!

We know that bear nappers are generally made up of people who are lonely and in need of some tender loving care (hence the reason they bearnapp teddies). Your request for ransom in the form of extra chocolate chip cookies show that you are so desperate for love and company that you try to fill the gaping hole in your heart with food. Pay heed to us as we tell you that this will never work.

Your request for ransom in the form of extra chocolate chip cookies is thus, might I say, rather ridiculous, though understandble. We suggest you seek conselling from a professional psychotherapist to discover the traumas in your life that made you into a bearnapper.

It is in our hearts to forgive you of the terrible act that you have committed. We understand the loneliness in your life and are aware that you only became part of the despicable beanapping ring because of this. Hence, we we urge you to return YiFah and go seek some professional help.

In the meantime, please make sure that YiFah get a bedtime kiss before he goes to bed. Oh and he usually feels cold in the middle of the night, so cover him with a quilt.


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