Monday, March 05, 2007

Semester 1 week 1

Being the only person in my program who doesn't speak with an Aussie accent isn't only intimidating. It's tiring. My days end with me being exhausted from listening and speaking Aussie. It's insane.


Jason said...

faster go get a aussie boyfriend then can speak aussie la.. jorrr! do i have to tell you everything !

Lil' Blue Bear said...

Eee.. I dun wan Aussie bf lah. U think u so clever ar huh... Ish. Go get a job lah u

Jason said...

kakkakaka!! oh well, its either that or you get like a god father who's aussie who talks to you everyday right ?!

oh.. and its about time for another update!!!

Freddy a.k.a Opt/Srai/Lit said...

it's the world of technology now.. try use 2 of this gadgets, 1 a earphone small enough and skillfully crafted enough to hide its existence to the public, 2, an ipod which allows you to listen to your fav mp3 while in the class and record down the lecture at the same time. Wait.. you still need to listen to it somehow.. dang..