Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Psalm 51v10,11
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me

I looked up the word STEADFAST in the dictionary (online dicky la of course!), and this was what came up:

Steadfast: 1) immovable (firmly fixed in place)
2) loyal (a firm belief, determination, adherence)

It draws a picture of stability. A spirit that is not easily swayed. A renewed determination, a spirit that will stand firm in what it believes in.

Firm. Determined. Loyal. Devoted. Immovable.

Yes, when everything is swaying, all I want is a steadfast spirit. A steadfast spirit, renewed, in loving Him and living in His will.


monsterkeon said...

good post! its good to understand the real meaning of the word, many times i've read this verse but don't really look into the meaning of it, thanks for the ilumination of the word!

ern said...

Of course I remember you!

Anonymous said...

updatez plz!
