Going to a friend's engagement party today made me realize that I'm not a kid anymore. I know, I know, my parents are still my ATMs and my bed is still my trampoline.
But it's true. I've grown up. Wedding invitations are not addressed to my parents anymore. Instead, they're all addressed to me! Last year, I was invited to three (of which I attended none). This year, already two, and it's only April.
Wahhhh.. Growing old. Growing old! But I'm loving it. It's just such joy to share the happiness and celebrate with those who have decided to say 'I do' with each other.
And the way God brings people together is just...amazing. I'm trusting Him to bring one for me. Heheh. Sooner better lah, then I can have kids as soon as possibe and live to see my great great great grandchildren. And see them get married! Yes, the main mission in life is to get married and have kids.
But right now, I'm STILL single. Haha. Dad asking if I got boyfriend already or not. Mom asying that she'll help me look for potentially suitable guys. I think they wanna give their ATM duty to someone else. Friends threatening to pick someone from the roadside to be my boyfriend after I answer no to thier 100 millionth time asking 'Eh, still no boyfriend ah?'
I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that everything will happen in HIS time. All I have to do is make sure that I seek first His kingdom, that I'm doing what He wants me to do. And to do it wholeheartedly. Everything else will fall into place.
So whether I'm single or I'm double or married with 100 grandchildren, there isn't a need for me to worry about. And just the thought of not having to worry about anything at all is liberating, because without my worries, there is peace, there is joy and there is happiness :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Joe is 14
How fast the years have flown by! Joel turns 14 today. I still remember the first few days when he just arrived. He had jaundice and was incubated under super bright lights. But still he was super adorable. And he grew into an adorable little boy with curly brown hair. Everyone wanted to hug him. He got passed round alot in church. Hahahahhaa...

But this little boy grew. And grew. And is STILL growing.
And he learned to talk. And once he did, he didn't stop. And he STILL hasn't stopped :P I remember the time when he couldn't pronouce the letter 'L' so the word 'club' would come out sounding like 'ki-ap' and 'walk' would sound like 'yo-alk'.
And he definately couldn't pronounce 'leopard', his precious soft toy. It sounded like 'yea-pord'. There was once when mom got angry with him for taking his Mr. YeaPord everywhere, yes including to the dinner table and she threw him to the hall and Mr. YeaPord hit the wall. Joe proclaimed him dead, said he was murdered and didn't touch Mr. YeaPord for one whole week! The things we did to try and get him to hug his soft toy again.... It was hilarious.
But yes, this little boy is now at least 5'6" and is clebrating his 14th Birthday today.
So bro, as you embark on this new year, I'm hoping that you grow in wisdom (no more getting suspended k), love and character. And also grow taller and taller, till you can tower over me!
So bro, as you embark on this new year, I'm hoping that you grow in wisdom (no more getting suspended k), love and character. And also grow taller and taller, till you can tower over me!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
My God is amazing.
I'm stunned to silence as I finally understand what the word 'awe' means.
And I stand in awe.
In awe of His mercy and grace
In awe of His love.
In awe of Him.
Simply amazing.
My God is amazing.
I'm stunned to silence as I finally understand what the word 'awe' means.
And I stand in awe.
In awe of His mercy and grace
In awe of His love.
In awe of Him.
Simply amazing.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Holidays? What holidays?
Easter break... wheeee. First week of it is almost over, and I have yet to find a day where I can get my very much needed 14 hours of sleep. Cacat holiday. So many things to do. It's soooo not a holiday. Why the heck am I doing honours? I urge you people not to do honours. Otherwise you won't have time to breathe. Like me. No time to breathe. *Needs air* *Gasp*
I shouldn't be blogging. I should be waking to uni to pass up the hard copy of my assigment. Cacat punya lecturer wants two copies of the assignment with two cover pages per copy!. Cacat assignmnet summore! On Darwin and how his theory influenced the view on human nature in psychology. I think it's the worst essay I've ever written.
Oh.... I think Darwin looks a bit like an ape... hmm. should upload a picture of him but lazy lah... not enough sleep leh. Go google his picture.
Something's going to happen this weekend. I can feel it.
I shouldn't be blogging. I should be waking to uni to pass up the hard copy of my assigment. Cacat punya lecturer wants two copies of the assignment with two cover pages per copy!. Cacat assignmnet summore! On Darwin and how his theory influenced the view on human nature in psychology. I think it's the worst essay I've ever written.
Oh.... I think Darwin looks a bit like an ape... hmm. should upload a picture of him but lazy lah... not enough sleep leh. Go google his picture.
Something's going to happen this weekend. I can feel it.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Word Association!
Got this off another blog. I tag myself! hehe...Put down the first thing you think of when you see these words.
1. Beer: Urgh
2. Anorexics: Food for me thanks. Nasi lemak with rendang. I also want fried lengau, kangkung belacan, laksa, tomyam, chicken rice, duck rice, curry chicken, satay, roti chanai, roti tellur curry mee, char koay teow char bee hoon, black bean soup, ham choy, cheese baked rice.......
3. Relationships: Next question please!
5. Power Rangers: Marcus Toh. My cousin who used to make me sit with him for hours to watch DVD after DVD of Power Rangers.
6. Life: Interestingly hectic right now.
9. The President: If I were the last president of the United States I'd steal all the "W" letter keys from the keyboards and bury it somewhere in the garden before George moved into my house.
10. Awesome: Over-used Aussie phrase. Everything also they say 'OH-SUM'. Dunno whether they got listen to what I'm saying or not. Probably not.
11. Cars: Buy one for me?
12. Gas Prices: Buy car for me already buy gas for me also lah!
13. Halloween: Another comercialized holiday larrrrr
14. Sex : Female. Really. That's really the first thing that came to mind. The second thing you don't wanna know.... heheheh
15. Religion: Jesus is my Savior, my King
16. Myspace: Urgh
17. Fear: Sleeping alone after watching scary movies. I slept with the lights on for two weeks after watching sixth sense. And there was once when my friend asked me to watch a movie and it turned out to be a horror movie, this was how I sat: Legs up on chair, knees right below my chin, eyes closed, peeking every five to ten seconds, ears plugged with my fingers. Oh, and I think I was the ONLY ONE in THE WHOLE CINEMA who screamed because of a scene of a balck cat suddenly jumping on the car. Hahaha. Who ask them to put the scary music in that scene??
18. Marriage: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part. Together always and forever.
19. Blondes: Why was the blonde fired from then 'M&M' factory????? She was throwing out the 'W's ........................Why did the blonde bring a ladder to school???? Because she was going to HIGGHHH school................ Why did the blonde climb the glass wall???? Coz' she wanted to see what was on the other sideeee
20. Brunettes: Why are all blonde jokes one liners??? So that brunettessssss could understand them.
21. Redheads: Archie Andrews. Heheh. Sorry, can't remember any redhead jokes
22. Asians: Me!
23: Pass the time: Sleep la. Nothing to do go and sleep lah.. Can never get too much of it!
24. One night stands: Are a No. No.
25: Cell Phone: Can live without it.
27: Smoke: Urgghh. Smelly. Makes me wanna immediately wash my clothes and hair.
28: Vanilla Ice cream: Only with apple pie. Otherwise chocolate please.
29: Port a Potties: Can put them anywhere. So that means can poo poo anywhere!
30: Highschool Life: SMK Convent Ipoh! Loved it! Slept in all my classes!
31. Pajamas: Sleep naked lah, then don't need to do so much laundry....
32. Stars: Are awesomeeee. So many. Makes the sky look so high and so big
33. Wet Socks: Urggh
34. Alcohol: Urggh
35. The word love: love is in the air, everywhere i go.. lalallalalalala. Say it, but demostrate it too!
36. Friends: Muaks!
37. Money: Sidestepped issue. Go press ATM only lah
38. Heartache: Urggh
39. Time: Please, Sir, may I have som'more?
40. Divorce: See marriage lahhhh
41. Dogs: Urggh.
42. Underpants: 40. I have 40 in my drawer.
43. Parents: Awesome.
44. Kids: Awesome. I want 4 - Lucas, Ethan, Megan and Emma
45. Stripper: Urrgh. Awesome. Urrgh. Awesome. Urrgh. Awesome.
46. Blogs: Come and read mine lah
47. News: Opinionated.
48. Weddings: So many this year! I've realised that it's not my parents' friends' chilren who are geeting married anymore. Now it's my friends who are getting married. Wedding invatations are now addressed to Miss Mindy Oon, not Mr. and Mrs. Oon. My turn soon, I hope! :)
49. Pizza: Yum Yum. Can eat everyday.
50. Kleenex: Aiya...Use so expensive tissue paper to wipe backside for what? Backside made out of goal ar?
1. Beer: Urgh
2. Anorexics: Food for me thanks. Nasi lemak with rendang. I also want fried lengau, kangkung belacan, laksa, tomyam, chicken rice, duck rice, curry chicken, satay, roti chanai, roti tellur curry mee, char koay teow char bee hoon, black bean soup, ham choy, cheese baked rice.......
3. Relationships: Next question please!
5. Power Rangers: Marcus Toh. My cousin who used to make me sit with him for hours to watch DVD after DVD of Power Rangers.
6. Life: Interestingly hectic right now.
9. The President: If I were the last president of the United States I'd steal all the "W" letter keys from the keyboards and bury it somewhere in the garden before George moved into my house.
10. Awesome: Over-used Aussie phrase. Everything also they say 'OH-SUM'. Dunno whether they got listen to what I'm saying or not. Probably not.
11. Cars: Buy one for me?
12. Gas Prices: Buy car for me already buy gas for me also lah!
13. Halloween: Another comercialized holiday larrrrr
14. Sex : Female. Really. That's really the first thing that came to mind. The second thing you don't wanna know.... heheheh
15. Religion: Jesus is my Savior, my King
16. Myspace: Urgh
17. Fear: Sleeping alone after watching scary movies. I slept with the lights on for two weeks after watching sixth sense. And there was once when my friend asked me to watch a movie and it turned out to be a horror movie, this was how I sat: Legs up on chair, knees right below my chin, eyes closed, peeking every five to ten seconds, ears plugged with my fingers. Oh, and I think I was the ONLY ONE in THE WHOLE CINEMA who screamed because of a scene of a balck cat suddenly jumping on the car. Hahaha. Who ask them to put the scary music in that scene??
18. Marriage: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part. Together always and forever.
19. Blondes: Why was the blonde fired from then 'M&M' factory????? She was throwing out the 'W's ........................Why did the blonde bring a ladder to school???? Because she was going to HIGGHHH school................ Why did the blonde climb the glass wall???? Coz' she wanted to see what was on the other sideeee
20. Brunettes: Why are all blonde jokes one liners??? So that brunettessssss could understand them.
21. Redheads: Archie Andrews. Heheh. Sorry, can't remember any redhead jokes
22. Asians: Me!
23: Pass the time: Sleep la. Nothing to do go and sleep lah.. Can never get too much of it!
24. One night stands: Are a No. No.
25: Cell Phone: Can live without it.
27: Smoke: Urgghh. Smelly. Makes me wanna immediately wash my clothes and hair.
28: Vanilla Ice cream: Only with apple pie. Otherwise chocolate please.
29: Port a Potties: Can put them anywhere. So that means can poo poo anywhere!
30: Highschool Life: SMK Convent Ipoh! Loved it! Slept in all my classes!
31. Pajamas: Sleep naked lah, then don't need to do so much laundry....
32. Stars: Are awesomeeee. So many. Makes the sky look so high and so big
33. Wet Socks: Urggh
34. Alcohol: Urggh
35. The word love: love is in the air, everywhere i go.. lalallalalalala. Say it, but demostrate it too!
36. Friends: Muaks!
37. Money: Sidestepped issue. Go press ATM only lah
38. Heartache: Urggh
39. Time: Please, Sir, may I have som'more?
40. Divorce: See marriage lahhhh
41. Dogs: Urggh.
42. Underpants: 40. I have 40 in my drawer.
43. Parents: Awesome.
44. Kids: Awesome. I want 4 - Lucas, Ethan, Megan and Emma
45. Stripper: Urrgh. Awesome. Urrgh. Awesome. Urrgh. Awesome.
46. Blogs: Come and read mine lah
47. News: Opinionated.
48. Weddings: So many this year! I've realised that it's not my parents' friends' chilren who are geeting married anymore. Now it's my friends who are getting married. Wedding invatations are now addressed to Miss Mindy Oon, not Mr. and Mrs. Oon. My turn soon, I hope! :)
49. Pizza: Yum Yum. Can eat everyday.
50. Kleenex: Aiya...Use so expensive tissue paper to wipe backside for what? Backside made out of goal ar?
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I've moved. Again. The second time this year. I am now living with two Aussie guys, One French girl and one American girl. And three backpackers came to stay today for a few days. One from Germany, on from UK and one more i forgot from where. Then next door to me there's one from Norway, one from Mexico and most importantly the three donkeys from Malaysia... So muhibah hor. Sounds so fun...
Anywayssssss... Easter break is coming --- YAY!
Research project is due --- BOOOO!
Easter camp is coming --- YAY!
Essay is due ---BOOOOO!
I've shifted to a place with internet connection --- YAY!
The people in my house are messy --- BOOOO!
My room is nice --- YAY!
I have to walk to uni --- BOOOO!
Heheh. I wanna go to Kangaroo Island. See kangaroos hop hop hop. I need a vacation. Badly. Very badly. Easter bunnies hop hop hop too. Vacation. NOW! Please.
Anywayssssss... Easter break is coming --- YAY!
Research project is due --- BOOOO!
Easter camp is coming --- YAY!
Essay is due ---BOOOOO!
I've shifted to a place with internet connection --- YAY!
The people in my house are messy --- BOOOO!
My room is nice --- YAY!
I have to walk to uni --- BOOOO!
Heheh. I wanna go to Kangaroo Island. See kangaroos hop hop hop. I need a vacation. Badly. Very badly. Easter bunnies hop hop hop too. Vacation. NOW! Please.
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