Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ponds, Superman, Lausy Friends.

Superman should take note of fashion trends and change his costume. Like Batman did (although the only change most people remember about Batman's costume was that they could see his nipples). Superman should trade in the tight little red number that he wears to cover his unmentionables for a pair of boxers with bird and airplane prints.

I learnt something today. A LAUSY friend of mine decided that building a POND was more important that going to KL with me. Although I do admit that the only reason that I wanted him to go with me was so that I would have transport to KL to see a few other friends of mine before I left for Adelaide, and in doing so would have dumped him the minute I crossed the state boundaries. However, since the LAUSY fella had his priorities all wrong, he decided to go ahead with the POND and yours truly and a few others were asked to be slaves for the day.

And so we dug and shovelled and toilled under the hot tropical sun. For hours and hours. My hands blistered. My back ached. My feet were buried in muddy soil more than once because some people could not tell the difference between my feet and the wheel-barrow. Sweat poured out from my very core. Even my finger nails were crying out as i shovelled my 100th spadeful of dirt into the wheel-barrow.

Fine. I was standing there most of the time talking nonsense and laughing at the people who were digging. I mean, I was giving them lots of encouragement and even praised them with a "Well done" and "Good job". I ask you, which girl, except for the most caring and supportive one (ie. me), would be willing to stand under the sun and get bitten by mosquitoes just to give encouragement and praise to people who refused her very last request before she left for a freezing cold country where everything except ice-cream has pork flavour?

Sigh.... so I guess I've learnt something today...

No, no, its not that I can't rely on my friends because they're LAUSY. I've known this from the very first time I met them :p

No, its not that I shouldn't help my LAUSY friends do backbreaking work either.

Nor is it the fact that it is more rewarding to help my LAUSY friend dig holes in his front yard rather than to give him a few smacks and avenge myslef.

What I learnt is this.

When people who have absolutely no idea what you have been up to ask where and what have you been doing all day, it is NOT very wise to say "I have been at his place helping him make POND".

Friday, July 14, 2006

Tag #1

I've decided to respond to this tag. Since I've been doing nothing much in Malaysia for the plus three weeks. Except opening my very own casino, playing badminton and watching football. And turning 21. And watching Superman and POC. And hanging out at mamak stalls. And going shopping. And having my circadian clock turned upside down.

But back to the point. The tag - 8 criteria for my perfect partner.

1. Has cash, credit cards, a condominium and cars, and connections to more cash, credit cars, condominiums and cars.
2. Preferbally aged, with a will stating that I get to inherit everything in No. 1.
3. Is a mixture of Johnny Depp, Edward Norton, and Wentworth Miller
4. Drives me where ever I want to go. And picks me up. And stops to ask for directions when he's lost.
5. Does the housework.
6. Is hairy enough to shave everyday.
7. Is able to give the perfect answer to the question "Honey, do I look fat in this?"
8. Wears boxers, not underwear.

So there you have it. The perfect partner. I have friends telling me that I'd do better if I just mail order a bridegroom. But then again, with Pos Laju, he'll probabaly get lost in the mail. Hah. But fortunately, I'm not all that shallow laa...

1. Knows God.
2. Has purpose and dreams that are parallel to mine.
3. Is able to give me the occasional push that I need, being the slacker that I am.
4. Is able to give me challenge. Or able to with me take up a challenge.
5. Is emotionally stable and matured.
6. Knows when to take the lead.
7. Is determined.
8. Is man enough to know that just sometimes, he may be wrong.

Now I'm beginning to think that I'd better go try my luck at mail ordering a perfect partner. Or maybe I'll just go with the first list and be shallow :p

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Football Fever

Yar Har Har and a Bottle of Rum
Guess Who's in KL Wanting to have Some Fun?

Since I've decided to be a true blue Portugal supporter (haha), yours truly and a few friends stayed up to watch the semi-finals between Italy and Germany, hoping that the yummy Italian boys with their thight fitting blue jerseys would beat Germany so that Portugal wouldn't have to face the host country WHEN (haha) she gets into the finals.

BUT, by half-time, the score was STILL nil for each side and all the other people I was wathcing the game with HAD FALLEN ASLEEP. Buruk betul. Ask me watch the game and then fall asleep. Snoring summore! Heh.

Anyway, I thought I'd watch the game till full time since I've already sat through half of the match. And not one goal. Not one. None. Zero. AArrghh. Aiyooo.... terrible soccer players make me sit there for 90 minutes until my backside pain and never score.

Piss me off laaa... so I went home just when extra time was starting. And went to sleep. Only to be woken up 40 minutes later to be told that Italy scored two goals in extra-time. Donkey. Dun wanna score when I watch. Cannot stop scoring when I stop watching. Mengada betul. Piss me off.

At least I got to see my darling Michael Ballack. And since Germany's out, Portugal will win la! hehehehehehehehehe

Monday, July 03, 2006

21 Years of His Grace and Mercy

Driving to KL and back again within one day is such a bore. But it gave me time to think about turning TWENTY-ONE. Supposed to be such a milestone and all ma, so must think a bit (think alot will hurt la). Anyway, after all that brainwork, I can only say that throughout my 21 years, God has alwyas been there for me. And I am grateful for this because I know I would not be who amd where I am today if not for Him.

I thought about You today,
And all I could do was give thanks and pray.
For even when I was unaware,
You were always, always there.
You were there when I stumbled and fell,
When I was disapointed and no one could tell.
You did not fail when others fell short,
You gave me strength, You gave me hope, You gave me support.
When all I wanted to do was run away and hide,
It was at these times You were most by my side.
For all this I say a grateful Thank You,
From the bottom of my heart, a Thank You that is long overdue.